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Looking To Hire ?

Are you a business owner or in a position to hire someone that can help your company prosper?

We'd like to meet with you and introduce some ideas that could enrich your business as well as the lives of the people you hire through Placement Solutions. The services we provide are free of charge to you and the employee.

Our process connects your needs with our prospects’ talents and is supported by our efforts for both parties to succeed. You'll have our experienced staff in your court all the time. Success can only come with matching the right employee to your business.

In addition you can benefit from "The Work Opportunity Credit" which provides eligible employers with a tax credit up to 40 percent of the first $6,000 of first-year wages of a new employee if the employee is part of a “targeted group."

An employee with a disability is one of the targeted groups for the Work Opportunity Credit, provided the appropriate government agencies have certified the employee as disabled. The credit is available to the employer once the employee has worked for at least 120 hours or 90 days.

When you work with us...EVERYONE WINS !